
What is baptism?

Baptism is one of two sacraments acknowledged by the Anglican Church of Australia. A sacrament, is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, given to us by Jesus himself, as a means by which we receive that grace. Baptism with water signifies the cleansing from sin that the death of Jesus makes possible, and the new life that God gives us through the Holy Spirit.In baptism, the promises of God are visibly signed and sealed for us. We are joined to Jesus, and made members of his body, the Church universal.

When should baptism take place?

The rite of baptism ideally takes place during a Sunday morning service of worship where the candidate for baptism can be welcomed into the church community as a member of the community.

Requirements for baptism

The candidate for baptism should have at least one male and one female sponsor of adult age. Sponsors themselves must have received Christian baptism. In the case of infant candidates, where the candidate is obviously unable to answer for themselves, sponsors not only witness the baptism, but also make the baptismal promises on behalf of the candidate. It is therefore recommended that parents should be sponsors of their child, together with at least one other person.

Fees for baptism

Please note that the church does not charge a fee for baptism. Donations are gratefully accepted by the church, but are totally at the discretion those seeking to be baptised.

Enquiries for baptism can be made using the form below.
Parents’ details (in the case of an infant candidate or child)
Full name of sponsor/s


How does the church define marriage?

The Anglican Church of Australia and the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne define marriage as a lifelong, monogamous and unconditional commitment between a man and a woman.

Is a same-sex marriage permitted in the church building?

According to the law, Anglican ministers are only allowed to conduct marriages in accordance with the rites of the Anglican Church of Australia, and are therefore not permitted to conduct same-sex marriages. Even if a non-Anglican minister celebrant officiates, Anglican churches cannot be used as a wedding venue for a same-sex marriage.

Can I book the church building for my wedding? Is there a cost involved?

The church building at St Andrew Aberfeldie can be booked for wedding services subject to availability. There is a booking fee of $850, which is inclusive of the cost of the minister who will ‘celebrate’ the official wedding service. Please note that flowers and/or decorations are not provided by the church.

Wedding enquiries can be made using the form below.


A Christian funeral marks the ending of a human life on earth in memory and hope. It provides people with the opportunity to give thanks for a person’s life and remember who they were for those who knew them. It helps people say goodbye and commend the person into God’s hands. A Christian funeral places this in the context of God’s loving presence with us as we grieve and also proclaims the Christian hope in life after death through Jesus being raised from the dead.

The funeral service can take place either in the church building, in a funeral director’s chapel, or even in a private home. And your loved one need not have been either religious or a churchgoer. At St Andrew, a funeral service is open to all.

To speak with the parish priest regarding a funeral service, please contact the Parish Office at either 9378 2079 or at

Ask for prayer

There are times in life when circumstances can be too much for us to cope with on our own. In times such as these, it is helpful to know that we are not alone, that there are people praying for us and for our circumstances. And ultimately, it is important to know that can hand our troubles over to God in prayer.

Please fill out the form below if you would like the church to pray either for you, for a loved one, or for just a particular event or situation in the world.

Pastoral Care

The parish offers pastoral care to those in spiritual, physical or emotional need. It does so by providing regular services of worship at aged care facilities in the local community, and through visits to the bereaved, the sick and the lonely. If you, or someone you know, is in need of pastoral care, then please contact the parish priest on either 9378 2079, or at

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